Akron Ohio


New Member
Hello, My name is Joshua Greenawalt

Im 20 years old and Im looking to start Selling insurance but im very unfimilair with where and how to start. I recently Applied to "Asurea" and got called back and have been through the Interview process up to the Third Interview (which is tomrrow) where i have to do a presentation.

Now being fresh into something so large I obviously hold alot of set backs due to knowledge but im a hard worker and I retain Information very well. Im concerned if this is truly a chance of a lifetime or a scam.

I will search around the fourms a little and ask questions. so stick with me while I Learn the Lingo and everything.
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Welcome aboard Josh, I can't speak on working with Asurea, but I am sure there are some folks here that can. Good job on getting an early start.

How are your monthly living expenses?
20? Don't take this the wrong way but the odds are heavily stacked against you.

Go to school! Just a guess but your odds are 1 in 25 of making insurance a career if you start now. Maybe 1 in 50.

I truly am trying to help, not criticize.
I believe it doesn't matter about age, it is more about maturity and confidence. I started in the business at a young age and am still going. I would however suggest not starting off on your own; find a company that will provide you with training and people to see.

Don't know anything about Asurea though, so can't help there...

In the Canton area if you would to talk, send me your number.
PM me your number, I have to have 20 posts to PM. I don't believe my age should play a factor. I'm young, ambitious, strong minded, very good communicator and I love talking a meeting new people. My maturity doesn't match my age. I don't understand how my odds would be stacked against me, my knowledge of this Is low now but in 10-15 years from now, me starting at a young age will have played such a strong and vital part to my success in this field. I'll actually be in Cleveland tomorrow.
Welcome! What got you interested in sales and insurance.
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I attended UAkron. I studied marketing. I love talking to people, I have a good salesmanship I believe. I've done retail sales and done phenomenal. Due to my age, I may not know the world of insurance but I'm not ignorant to the world. If my age is my biggest weakness then my biggest strength is my age.