All you IMO's talking


1000 Post Club
About "my" agents do this and that... They write this much etc etc I want to see some numbers.

What does your average agent write? I know you have leader boards... I know you track your business. I bet your agents aren't even averaging 2,000 a week in AP.

I'm getting sick of this "we are the best" and have "the best training", but no numbers. No evidence, nada. You wanna say average agents write 120k? GiVE some PROOF.

Only include your full time guys. Be proud of your numbers if they are good.
About "my" agents do this and that... They write this much etc etc I want to see some numbers.

What does your average agent write? I know you have leader boards... I know you track your business. I bet your agents aren't even averaging 2,000 a week in AP.

I'm getting sick of this "we are the best" and have "the best training", but no numbers. No evidence, nada. You wanna say average agents write 120k? GiVE some PROOF.

Only include your full time guys. Be proud of your numbers if they are good.
I've got a # for you............18 posts to get your badge. :yes:
You actually think they would be honest? With any average / statistics you must ask what is the source and how did you come up with those numbers.
I would be more interested in the amount of agents who didn't make it and dropped out. That's way more interesting. It's like the TV viewer who watches the auto race for the crashes.
You actually think they would be honest? With any average / statistics you must ask what is the source and how did you come up with those numbers.
Idk maybe.
I would be more interested in the amount of agents who didn't make it and dropped out. That's way more interesting. It's like the TV viewer who watches the auto race for the crashes.
haha it's a lot thats a fact.
I tried DM last year and found out that is wasn't any fun at all chasing these leads. For years I worked TM leads and made a good living, but lack of data caused me to think DM was the way to go. Only ordered 15 leads a week and wanted to work them 2 days a week. Well 2 days turned into 4 because I could not make contact. Then the NSF's started and that was the last straw. Still owe debit balances. Had 3 this week-one death, one bought it from her bank and one decided he just can't afford it. The lady that bought it from her bank is bedridden and I wrote her GI. She argues that she got $10,000 level for $10 monthly. It ain't worth arguing with her, you can't fix stupid. Thank god I paid for my leads weekly and did not run up a huge CC balance that I would have to pay back too. Had a marketer state on the forum that it was my attitude. Said another agent could come here and write all they wanted. BS! It is always something you did wrong if you failed. The only thing I did wrong was trying to work DM in my area.