An Early Look at Premiums and Insurer Participation in Health Insurance Marketplaces, 2014

Obamacare.........................."where millionaires can get medicaid for free"

Disclosure: Person described above, may get an erection for longer than 4 hrs when he hears the news. Said person must have most of their assets in tax deferred accounts, cash in the bank, equity in their home (or 3 homes), 3 cars, a side business to write off the butler and driver expenses, very little dividend income, a good CPA, and a damn good tax advantaged asset thinking financial advisor.
I read today that HHS will release the "certified/approved" Federally-run and Partnership Exchanges' 2014 premiums on Thursday 9/19/2013. Anyone know more about this?
Maybe, Sebellius said yesterday they will definitely be out by Oct 1st.

Then she said maybe a little earlier

And then added the plans will be affordable

And that kids can stay on until age 26
September 22, 2013

Real World premium increases for 2014 are starting to be realized and reported by the media. A Motley Fool author is reporting on his and a friend's California's premium increase notice from Blue Shield.

Excerpt: "My current premium is $631.00 per month under my company's group policy, and my 2014 estimated premium is $1,596.00. That's a 152.9% increase!

The official name of Obamacare -- the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -- appears to be a cruel tactic to trick people into thinking they're going to save money on health insurance, much like early Scandinavian pioneers named the country of Greenland as a way to attract more settlers, obscuring the fact that the country is 80% covered by an ice sheet that's 1 mile thick."

Story: There's Nothing Affordable About My Obamacare!

This is exactly why I refer to it as Obamacare and not ACA.

September 22, 2013

Real World premium increases for 2014 are starting to be realized and reported by the media. A Motley Fool author is reporting on his and a friend's California's premium increase notice from Blue Shield.

Excerpt: "My current premium is $631.00 per month under my company's group policy, and my 2014 estimated premium is $1,596.00. That's a 152.9% increase!

The official name of Obamacare -- the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -- appears to be a cruel tactic to trick people into thinking they're going to save money on health insurance, much like early Scandinavian pioneers named the country of Greenland as a way to attract more settlers, obscuring the fact that the country is 80% covered by an ice sheet that's 1 mile thick."

Story: There's Nothing Affordable About My Obamacare!

I refer to it as the Affordable Care Act and have a countdown clock in my office much like NASA has..... I cant wait until opening day of insurance season

We refer to it as " Affordable Care Act, PPACA, Obamacare, healthcare reform or whatever you want to call it!"