Obamacare.........................."where millionaires can get medicaid for free"
Disclosure: Person described above, may get an erection for longer than 4 hrs when he hears the news. Said person must have most of their assets in tax deferred accounts, cash in the bank, equity in their home (or 3 homes), 3 cars, a side business to write off the butler and driver expenses, very little dividend income, a good CPA, and a damn good tax advantaged asset thinking financial advisor.
Disclosure: Person described above, may get an erection for longer than 4 hrs when he hears the news. Said person must have most of their assets in tax deferred accounts, cash in the bank, equity in their home (or 3 homes), 3 cars, a side business to write off the butler and driver expenses, very little dividend income, a good CPA, and a damn good tax advantaged asset thinking financial advisor.