
100+ Post Club
Anyone using this guys program? I get emails from him all the time telling me how good it is. Anyone that has used it or is using it please let me know on the forum or PM me. Thanks.

It is called...
Annual Review Millions | Mike Gegelman | My Asset Journal | financial planning consultant

As you guys know I don't work for him, am not contracted with him, and I do not get anything for sending people there. I really just wanted to know if anyone is using his program?
I'm trying to see what's going on but unless it's on my end it's very challenging.

I signed up for the free info then got redirected to a page where the audio starts, says "page 1 of 10" but doesn't allow me to turn off the audio and doesn't let me progress to the next page.

So I assumed it would allow me to proceed to the next page when the audio was but I was 15 minutes in, bored to death and had to punch out.

This is discussed more in depth here:
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I get skeptical whenever I see Ron Fara, IL as a testimonial. I think he is one of his testimonials. Ron Fara seems to pop up on every testimonial for any "system." I think Russ Jones has a Fara testimonial and others.
Thanks for the link, I almost bought the system until I read the thread on registered rep forum
If anyone looked at the registered rep thread, one of the main guys posting was named Denny Lobach. He was on this forum about 9 months later trying to sell some kind of financial organization system. Hmmm....