Annuities Commission


100+ Post Club
Hello, I've seen this question asked but not answered. What is the normal commission for annuities? Is 5% decent if they give you leads? and again pls tell what is the range of annuities commission that is common. thanks.
It depends on the type, term, etc. Commissions can run from 1-10%.

5% with leads is good, but it depends on the leads, the companies you are representing, etc...
With great leads 5% might be a fair commission. With lousy leads it is not.

According to independant annuity guru Jack Marrion, the average index annuity commission is almost 8%. As others have said, the range for annuities is between 1 and 10%. The range for most commonly sold annuities is 6 - 10%. If you look at a list of the largest selling annuity companies, they are all high commission companies.

Immediate annuities are in the 3-4% range.

Visit Jack Marrion's website at I am not affiliated with his site in any way. As a 30 year insurance guy, I just think it is the best not company website out there. He does not sell or market products.
Annuities with leads --I wouldn't touch that.

There is so much potential money to be made that everyone, and I mean everyone, is a potential backstabber.

If a lead is decent, it will not find its way to you. Basically, you will be agreeing to commission splits up front and you (I assume) will have no way of knowing what leads are taken off the top and what leads are thrown your way.

I would be very happy to send you a trunkload of "leads" if you pay me 3% of whatever you get out of it.