Annuity Leads

I know they've come up a bunch and if you do a search you'll find more responses about them, but that sounds about right. I've never worked with them personally, but as often as I get e-mails about them, that doesn't sound right. If the annuity leads were any good I'd expect them to be flying of the shelves and for agents to be lining up around the block for that gig.
I worked for American General Life a few years back and they ran an appointment setting program for annuities. The leads they bought were direct mail from The program didn't last long but the leads really weren't bad. The problem was, the company didn't have very good products to sell. It almost had to be a perfect fit for the client for it to be a suitable sale. I regress, the annuity leads pull about a 3% response rate and you only need 1 sale to get your money back and make a nice profit. So if you mail out 1,000 pieces and get 30 responses, can you sell 1?
Ken Juen edited his post and removed the companies name the reason given was offer to settle.