Yea he was selling over phone but had to have face to face signature so I was doing it on split.
Lol, dang. Well I had a reefer stoned madman tell me on a front porch today to get my arse out of there, this was my 3 pm appt. I asked him if he was related or kin to the lady. He said "no and I don't stay here either". He said she was not there and at the doctors. I looked at him and said you sir may be fibbing to me. Now please step aside since this isn't your house and please for your sake don't bow up at me, I'd hate for the po po to be called and cage you for your weed. I knocked on the door, went inside and wrote the policy.
Her son came by and asked me if that crackhead gave me any trouble, I told him not really, he said aight peace. I left. Moral of the story, don't be confrontational but if it's not their property move them out of the way with a little ninja mind f'ing. They just can compete. Your mileage may vary