Another MLR Article (but a Good One)

Were one of you playing basketball with Obama today? He got another "shellacking"

I wonder what kind of out of pocket costs he had for those stitches. I should have cross sold him that accident policy when I had the chance.
Apparently he got the aftershave at the barber shop after all. I guess Michelle didn't approve...
I think it was really a Senior who gave him that fat lip today - I wish I could have seen it. Come to think of it - there were probably a LOT of people waiting in line for that.

He is also messin' wid seniors. Something that does not set well.

Every group he courted to gain support for Obamacrap has been dumped on. Every group, except the unions.

He has managed to piss off the health insurance companies, agents, almost everyone who has health insurance now, businesses both large and small, medical equipment manufacturers and tanning salons.

And most of the public is still trying to figure out why it takes $1 trillion to cover 30 million people.

And they have set aside $5 billion for PCIP and related risk pools. They estimated 375,000 would join the pools. So far a tad over 8,000 have signed up.

In order to push more people into the program they are going to drop rates by 20%.

This is on a plan that is financially unsound from the start, unless of course they only get a handful of people in the plan.

So far that is what is saving the risk pools. No one wants (or can afford) the plan.
Sent in 2 apps around Oct. 10th to process with BCBSIL for an 11/1 effective date. Apps were approved on 11/2 with an 11/15 effective date. Still haven't received policies to deliver to the insureds since fulfillment is running behind.

Makes me look like I'm on top of things when they're the ones screwing me. Love it.
Do you prepare your client for that before they do the app, or right afterward?

Before, and I maintain constant contact during the app process. Plus, I'm able to get them temp cards, so I look on-top of things.

It's just ridiculous that it's taking this long to get things done. Earlier this year it was a 20 day process to have their policy and cards in their hands.
does the customer's free look period extend to 3 months as well?

I have made this comment to Aetna and it falls on deaf ears, pretty much like anything else.

State law says you have 10 days from receipt of the policy. If it takes the carrier 3 months to get it to you, then presumably they have 3 months + 10 days.

If the policy is sent to the agent and the agent takes another 3 months to deliver it, the agent's E&O better be up to date.

Of course as we know, most consumers never read these things. At least not, until they have a claim . . .