

New Member
Does anyone have any updated info on working for ANPAC? I have read what I could find on here about the company but most posts seem to be pretty old. I am considering signing on with ANPAC in either June or July. Here is what I have been told so far:

Financing is available for new agents at a pay rate of 150.00 per unit. So, from what I understand, if I were to say I was going to do 30 units in a month, I would receive 4500.00 in financing along with any life commissions and monthly bonus that is available. Does that sound correct to current ANPAC agents? What happens if I do not hit the stated amount of units, say 30 in this case. Do I pay back the difference between what I said I would hit and what I actually hit? Also, how do agents know what is a good unit amount to strive for? I have been in the insurance game for quite awhile but I have never had to guess how many units I would do the next month (unit are per vehicle, not per policy). Are there any newer ANPAC agents that are using financing right now and if so, what unit amount are you using right now? 30 units seems like a rather high number but my MLGA says it should be the minimum number that I would sign on for.

Is ANPAC usually competitive rate wise? I saw that there were some problems with rising rates in 2011. Is that still occurring? I don't plan to sell based on rate anyways but I would like the chance to be competitive.

How much should a new agent with ANPAC plan for office expenses per month? In my last insurance job I was a W2 employee and other than buying leads and some specific types of marketing, I didn't have to worry about office expenses so I am kind of shooting in the dark when it comes to how much I would need.

Any answers to these questions or other information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance

(For those who are independent, I know that that is a great route for an agent to take but it's just not doable for me at this time.)
In Northern CA, their rates are very competitive, especially in homeowner's. Their auto is competitive as well. I have both policy with them.

You might have to contact a current ANPAC agent and ask them about their experiences.
Thanks Mike and Ron. I have had them quote my policy and it was pretty comparable to what I have now with State Farm so I guess if someone is in my profile (married, homeowner, 3 cars, etc.) I will have a decent shot rate wise. I think the cashback program will be a nice attraction for many. I guess I am really just hoping to get information on starting up with ANPAC. I know they have a lot to offer but so many agents in past years on here were really upset with them so I was hoping to get some more feedback from them and to find out if any are still with ANPAC now that some contract changes have occurred.
The Life Insurance should be way more competetive than State Farm.. so if your somewhat close on the auto/home the Life should make up for it..
Mike, I appreciate the message. I dont have 20 posts yet so cant respond to you. Good luck next week.
I'm not sure if the lack of responses to this post is a good sign about American National or a bad one.
I am not sure how to get ahold of you since I don't have enough posts to send a message but I definitely would love to get your two cents on the opportunity.
I am not sure how to get ahold of you since I don't have enough posts to send a message but I definitely would love to get your two cents on the opportunity.

Well, post more!

As far as ANPAC, when I started, it was very easy to write business. If it was a married, multi-car homeowner with no tickets or accidents, and good credit, you could blow away the rates 8 out of 10 times you quoted someone. Then, ANICO, the parent company told ANPAC that they were not going to continue to subsidize all of the catastrophic losses that we had sustained during the hurricanes and tornados that hit the country in the late mid 2000's. ANPAC was to show an underwriting profit.

This resulted in a massive shift in rating risks, followed by huge rate increases. Our rates rose by 15-25% four years in a row. This led to my demise.

ANPAC is probably a good place to learn the business, if their rates are back in line so that you can actually focus on your target market. The CHROME and motorcycle niches are good ones. Get on their AAA financing plan and then bail after about 18 months if you are getting behind on your financing, as I read on here that they won't make you pay it back if you leave before the three years is up.