Any Change's Not Till 2013???


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Will there be any actual changes before 2013? I seem to be hearing that no matter what bill gets passed no changes will take place till 2013. Has anyone heard of any changes that might take place before then to help us sell more??? Cause this reccession is not going away any time soon. Thanks
We could see taxes go up prior to the changes go into effect. I think they call it "front loading" or something like that.

By the way CrapGame Kelly's Hero is a classic flick that I own!
To much is unknown still, but nothing significant can happen for at least 3 years. Always follow the money...

Under the current proposals, the extra taxes start pretty much immediately (varies by which plan you are talking about, but they all are after immediate revenue). This is important because it gives them 10 years of revenue, then delays the start of any significant expenses by at least 3 years. In short, they pay for 7 years of expenses with 10 years of revenue to be able to call it 'deficit neutral'. Don't ask what happens in the next 10 years.

It's also important to push it out to the other side of the next presidential election. In the unlikely event that something doesn't go right, the president doesn't want to have to respond to it during the 2012 campaign season (which is already underway).

Congress will pass some kind of half-arse bill that is watered down but has triggers so that both sides pretend that they have enacted real change. The bill will be approved probably about late spring, subject to budget approval for the reforms that are approved which takes us up until about next September. Then we have the elections coming up in November which will basically serve as a referendum on any reforms that were approved. If the mix of Congress changes then the mix of what was approved will change too. Many members of Congress will be replaced. Only some Senators will be replaced but they will still be beaten up enough by voters to think and re-think what they did or are doing in the midst of Obamamania.

And around and around we go.
Thanks for the good info. You guy's are keeping on top of it. So things such as doing away with pre-x and lowering of premiums wont happen until then? Looks like nothing is going the agents way.........."ABC" this ones for you....."What ya mean there no hotel here! No dames, no broads , no booze? My guy's are gonna be freaking out with each other!!!" Somewhere near Nancy, France 1944.
Who ever mentioned anything about lowering of premiums? You have read the wrong tea leaves again....
So things such as doing away with pre-x and lowering of premiums wont happen until then?

Ha, ha, ha!

Lower premiums. Yeah, like that will happen.

Great campaign promise. Won't happen.

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