I have to say that there is business and there are cases to be written in those internet leads. I've written some out of them myself and think I may have even posted as much earlier in the thread. I think others have posted that here also. As a matter of fact, not only have I written some, but a couple of them were some of my highest premiums (permanent cases). But, it's just a different kind of response than a mail lead. The internet leads take a good bit more "mining". And, if you're going to work them, you have to work them like they (LifeTel) suggests. What I was told, and found to be true myself, is that you have to hit those from all sides. Simply my opinion, but if I was going to put forth an honest to goodness, solid push on working those, I think it really takes some kind of CRM that emails, texts, calls and any other possible way to make contact. And, I know those systems are out there. Trying to do it somehow manually though, I think is just a tougher go. That said, I'm sure it could probably be done and, once again, I've written the deals and have spent the commissions that have come out of those to know there's money in there for sure. It's just more work, takes more build up, follow up, follow through and I'm just getting too old and too lazy to do it LOL. That's why I buy and work almost entirely on the mail leads, A's and B's. The people know what's going on, takes less fishing and it's just SO much easier. Obviously, I say stick to the mails. Unless you're not lazy like me and then I think you could make a sustained, consistent and profitable push on the internet stuff as well
do they have any suggestions on CRM's or system that works for them