I'm on the opt A program now. I switched over a couple of months back. I was told I needed to be on the opt A program anyway, as I'm trying to become one of their managers. As you probably already know, the opt A program is a higher contract. In order to be able to mostly mirror the direct program, you need the higher level so you can still have the "high & low" starting option for downline agents. That being said, I'm not sure yet what % I'll be able to start agents. As I posted earlier, I'm going out there to Ontario on the 24th of this month to attend a seminar for managers and I'm sure that'll be some of what's covered. I originally started on the opt B program with them, though. I liked it, for the time I was on it and, like I was first told, it was helpful initially to get my feet wet. Fyi, you start on a bit lower contract, but you earn credit towards A leads on all placed business.
Hey there mikeyv7. I've been watching periodically to see if you made the trip out to SoCal you posted about. I saw your year end numbers on the LifeTel production report (I'm on Elly's team also, obviously). I think I posted that somewhere before. Your production looks great, congrats! Truthfully, I'm only guessing it's you, but how many "Mike's in Colorado's" can there be in Elly's group who are now starting a team Elly's the man, btw. The dude will only bend over backward for you. All you have to do is show you can write something (I can't stand the retards some times). Interestingly, that's my problem.
I've only talked very loosely with Elly about team building. Like anyone, I want to make as much money as I can, but I have a super solid rhythm going and I think if I just stay doing what I'm doing personally producing that I'll have an awesome year. I'm scared to even think about splitting my focus. I guess if I brought on nothing but "winners", it'd be nice to have agents under me. However, what are the odds on that? My fear is I'll get a couple of the Bozos I just talked about and then I'll be spending my time babysitting and not producing. I'm scared that by trying to increase my income team building, it's going to just cost me money that I would have made with my own personal sales. I'm completely torn. Honestly, aclaro, goillini52, what do you think? If you can make truly excellent money just writing personally, do you think it's worth the risk of trying to do some recruiting? To you Mike, was the pitch out there in SoCal strong enough to make the attempt? I know you're doing it, of course. Again, I'm just worried. Also, I have a real groove going working with Elly and everything is working right now. I heard Elly isn't really going to head the managers, but instead it was going to be Rob now. Is that what you were told mikeyv7?