Anyone Have Any Experiences with These FMO's?

The best advide I have ever recieved in regards to picking an fmo to work with:
1. Do not pick the FMO based on the FMO, pick the FMO based on the marketing consulatant you will work with. I have worked with over 5 IMO's in the past 5 years, and find that the experience is soley based on the effort the individual assigned to working with me is willing to put in. Evaluate this person's honesty, knowlegde, experience, and most of all availability.
2. Look for an IMO that is willing to give you something without a contract. Anyone asking you for a contract without providing anything is simply looking for a way to lock you in for six months, and potentially earn an override on business they have done nothing to earn.
3. Always ask for a signed release agreement in advance. Any FMO worth their weight will provide and sign this document for you.
4. Look for an IMO that fits your needs, IMO's have different strong feats, none of them are the best at all things. Some are better at marketing ideas, other's better at service (yes some provide real service to producer), and others are simply willing to pay more comp.

Remember, an IMO is earning an override on all of your business. They key word here should be "earning". I work with 5 different IMO's and would be willing to provide suggestions to anyone looking for a home. Feel free to email me at [email protected], I'll probably email back within a week as this is a secondary email address for me.
I'm looking for an FMO but along the way, perhaps the best advice I received from an FMO consultant is "Make sure they have an Open Release policy." In other works, some of these outfits will lock you in for six months AFTER you decided you want to go elsewhere. Good advice, methinks.
Also keep in mind if you have a "open release" and are taking advances, you won't be able to move your contract unless you can pay off the unearned months of your advance or have another FMO willing to take on the debt.