Anyone Heard of This IMO


My contract is up with my IMO and considering THE INDEPENDENT AGENT ADVANTAGE.
I sell MTG Protection and looking for the best commissions!
Currently at 120%
What carriers are you with? I've never heard of them before, but my response is usually to ask why you wouldn't work with an established IMO/FMO/GA that already has a solid reputation.

Also, do you have production you can show?
What carriers are you with? I've never heard of them before, but my response is usually to ask why you wouldn't work with an established IMO/FMO/GA that already has a solid reputation.

Also, do you have production you can show?

Agree with all of the above. That as well as the fact that 120% is a great M.P. contract. Good luck finding better unless you are the IMO or a HUGE producer.