Anyone Here Buying Leads on Regular Basis ?


New Member
If you are buying leads please let me know what company are you buying them from and what is your convertion ratio.
Whats the average premium ?
How many leads per agent/day ?

Thinking of going with quote wizard.


Never had good luck with them over 50% we old leads or survey leads. Years ago I did very well buying leads, the last 5 years not at all. To many of the companies buy, sell the same leads through different names and sell you leads from people filling out surveys. Just my opinion but build with referrals it is cheaper and your close ratio not even a comparison.
I have used Hometown Quotes. The President of the company is an active member on this forum and a great mentor.

I consistently spend 200-500 per month with his company. Why? Because it works. I probably close 3/10, sometimes higher. The refund system is quite great and there is no up selling like quote wizard does.

I did try net quote as well, but after a couple months I cancelled due to lack of quality leads. And I was paying for the premium leads. Not worth the money.

In the end, the quality of the lead company down to: Does the number work, is it the right person, and sometimes you get really lucky and they actually will say they requested a quote (which 90% say they didnt).

It all comes down to how good you are on phone.
When I stopped purchasing leads with hometown quotes, I never was able to get my account balance back from them. I asked my account manager about it 3-4 times and he said he would have billing process it and it never happened. I don't even know how much was left in my account, but it was definitely under $200, so I kind of just let it die off (so partially me fault, but still not professional to make me ask or have to go through more trouble than that to get my money back).

I was purchasing the guaranteed quality leads, but only about 20% were worth much of anything.

I will say they have a nice system and it was very easy to get credits on the bad leads. At the end of the day though, I was paying for the guaranteed quality leads (more expensive) because I didn't want to waste time on useless phone calls or getting credits.
Quote wizard is junk. My agency does all web. I personally pulled 6000 leads the past year. Wrote 635k in premium. Lost about 100k. Proof available