Anyone know that James D at efes averaging $70 k fe a month ?

$113k on 97 apps. He came from building custom homes. 2 years in the industry.

I'd love to claim we had a lot to do with it, but we didn't. Some was telesales but he did much of it f2f on his own lead gen and pure hustle. He took us up on our $100k challenge as we had several agents flirt with it...and we gave him $10k in TV Call Ins for hitting it.

$90-$100mo avg apps.

What State is he in?
I want to say I was told he has 2 or 3 down line agents now. But that have been someone else?

He could very easily have his downline agents sign an "assignment of commission" form for the carrier(s). He would then have all 2 agents working 25 leads per week each (which gives that total of 75 leads per week that includes his 25 leads) , all commissions his downline agents earn would go directly to the big producer, and the big producer would then pay his downline agents a % of the commissions earned, or maybe a salary. And then the big producer gets the glory of the big production.

$100,000 with 300 leads in a month = $333 PPL which is way out of ordinary. He must have wrote up a couple of church congregations?
He could very easily have his downline agents sign an "assignment of commission" form for the carrier(s). He would then have all 2 agents working 25 leads per week each (which gives that total of 75 leads per week that includes his 25 leads) , all commissions his downline agents earn would go directly to the big producer, and the big producer would then pay his downline agents a % of the commissions earned, or maybe a salary. And then the big producer gets the glory of the big production.

$100,000 with 300 leads in a month = $333 PPL which is way out of ordinary. He must have wrote up a couple of church congregations?

100% agree . This happens a lot . So we drop our jaw saying how can 1 person write that much .
Just to share some info. I know of an agent that issued over $100k in April. In May she was terminated.

Here's the sleight of hand she pulled: She got a massive # credit cards in about a one week period (so she can get the cards before the credit bureaus can show she's had an excessive # of inquiries into her credit which would hamper her getting the c. cards).

Then she wrote bogus fake applications (along with just a very few legitimate ones), used the different cards to be the premium payors for different policies. She had her own "lead source". Then she got caught.

Smart recruiters should always raise an eye brow when they stumble across a producer issuing 60K+ per month.
He could very easily have his downline agents sign an "assignment of commission" form for the carrier(s). He would then have all 2 agents working 25 leads per week each (which gives that total of 75 leads per week that includes his 25 leads) , all commissions his downline agents earn would go directly to the big producer, and the big producer would then pay his downline agents a % of the commissions earned, or maybe a salary. And then the big producer gets the glory of the big production.

$100,000 with 300 leads in a month = $333 PPL which is way out of ordinary. He must have wrote up a couple of church congregations?

That could very well be the case. That does happen.

I don't know in this guy's case. Nor do I care.

I was talking to his upline about something else and he told me about this guy.

Good on him for writing that much and breaking the EFES monthly record.
Like JD, I don't really care. However, I hope that it is legit and he wrote it all under his own pen and has average or above persistence.

Always a first time. Seems like just a couple years ago someone shot for a $40,000 month, @DayTimer I think, then Mungia hit $500,000 annual in daisy dukes. Oh, then Martin did $1,000,000 FE all on the phone.

At the end of the day it doesn't buy me a beer but makes me feel good for someone hitting it.
At the end of the day it doesn't buy me a beer

I worked with a guy years ago . . . when some of the agents would grouse about how much another was making, his response was . . . "Why do you care? Can you pay YOUR bills with HIS money? If not, then stop complaining".

There is always someone who likes to brag about how much they earn, or how many sales they make . . . and when someone makes a "superstar" production production post, those same folks want to tear it apart and claim there must be something fishy about the boast.

If it is embellished, so what?

Get over yourself . . .
I worked with a guy years ago . . . when some of the agents would grouse about how much another was making, his response was . . . "Why do you care? Can you pay YOUR bills with HIS money? If not, then stop complaining".

There is always someone who likes to brag about how much they earn, or how many sales they make . . . and when someone makes a "superstar" production production post, those same folks want to tear it apart and claim there must be something fishy about the boast.

If it is embellished, so what?

Get over yourself . . .

I love to hear when someone does incredible #'s . It's motivating . Being an independent agent is lonely so we need things to motivate . There's guys that write 3 times what I do . But they work 7 days a week . I'm not interested in that . You hit a pt were you must be happy with what you've done . If your not you'll be unhappy with your life . Anyone who has the Will and determination can suceed . But few have it . Wether us 1970 or 2022 only a small % make it .