Anyone Near Monroe/Middletown Ohio?


Anyone near middletown or monroe that is in the final expense of life insurance business that is established and making money? I am new in the insurance business and frankly a little scared going out on my own but i think the foundation is there. Anyone wanna mentor me or give me pointers?
Ok by the way for someone that is out on his own and wants to buy good health insurance what would you recommend?
Anthem HSAs are very strong in the 450 zip codes. UHC has great rates, but you have to beware of their underwriting. Aetna has great rates but the coverage won't be on par with Anthem.

Medical Mutual HSAs are an option as well.

I guess you should define "good health insurance" and maybe expand on the the particulars. You can email me at [email protected]
Ed secretly owns Middleton Ohio.

Little do you know TX, but those are fightin words... If someone said that about me, I might be forced to hurt someone. Middletown could be compared to as the lower body oriface of Ohio. Last trip through that area reminded of third world scenery.

I think that Chumps is much more akin to the upwardly mobile Springboro area... Now you are talking... Chumps no doubt has fine Italian suits that are worth more than some of the homes in Middletown these days; (homes valued by hundreds, not thousands).

Middletown hasn't been the same since Schiavone's moved from their original downtown location, which may have been in the late 70's, if I remember correctly.
SN...Have to tell ya a funny story about Middletown. When I was a freshman at Miami, the first week there were some KKK demonstrations in Middletown.

Back in Pa, my Mother saw them on the news, looked Middletown up on the map and frantically called me early in the morning and told me "Dad and I are taking you out of school. You can go to Pitt or Penn State where your sisters went!"

I wasn't even aware of the demonstration and assured my Mother that I didn't even know where Middletown was!
I have heard about assurant health as well. Is that any good? I do have a condition that has never been diagnosed but i have vericose on my legs that need taken care of. I would not have to disclose that because its never been diagnosed correct? Other than that i am perfect health.