Anyone Willing to Give Me Some Insight on Improving My Site?

I'm afraid I agree with those who don't like the domain name.
  • Boutique is a hard to spell word to begin with.
  • It has little to do with insurance.
  • You misspelled it.
Other than the above it is fine.

I have rarely suggested this, but I think you need to buy a new domain name and abandon this one.

Use words that are easy to spell for your target market. If you sell in Florida exclusively, make the state name or abbreviation part of the domain name.

I have no major problems with the design. The one thing that I would change is the location of the "get a free quote" button. It falls below fold on my screen. You might try floating the button over the tennis racket using CSS.
Good point about getting a new domain Alston, here's one for sale at Godaddy Auctions:

$10.00 plus registration fees.

Created over 4 yrs ago.

Nice lil find.