Subsidy re-calculation will have to be done EACH year, if paying $48 and your break even point is 4 months, it would be tough to survive. Maybe we can charge a fee for the subsidy calc, and then a commission on the sale of the policy. Two separate processes, and laws for each step.
well now wait a moment bill.... the avg premium will be a grand if I get 5% the break even is one month... next this is just for the first time ever enrollment when the dookie will hit the fan and I need to be selling.... I also said I would only pay the single people about half that.
in future years I would hope the client would sit tight for a year of so on the plan
also the process may be more streamlined although I have never known the govt to get eaiser as time passed....
the first year will be hell and we all will need help and this was also ONLY an idea