Appointment Setter Needed..... Help???

Actually even with paying for all appointments including no shows. As a setter the person should always look at the week when invoicing. There are also decisions to make to reschedule what has been paid for. If you are an agent with a setter who is trying hard and honest, not just working for the appointment, the money...there wouldn't be a problem. Because the setter would not charge for 30% no shows to begin with. Setters do work hard to try to gain trust with the person they are calling, to allow the agent they don't even know to come to their house.

What???? .
What about idear? Growing up in the south (North Carolina), I heard that there hick phrase on numerous occasions. Or could he just have big fingers and misclicked? ;)
I was confused by your use of "there" until I went back and tried reading it as their.
well don't quote him. It will be there even when they ban him

The nice thing about the forum is I can go back and edit or even delete the post later. By quoting him I'd hope he's get the alert and maybe calm down a bit. The shame of it is that he may be quite good at setting appointments. But I don't want to do business with someone who swoops in to the forum and immediately goes about using us for personal gain.
I am going through discussions and responding to people that requested help with appointment setting I didn't realize it was unethical or against policy? I searched the threads and responded to the ones I thought relevant even some older ones. It wasn't my intention to spam.

I listened to your sample call. You seem to offer a good service. You'd likely be very successful here if you would establish yourself a bit, ad some value to current discussions, etc. You can say it wasn't your intention to spam but when you post the exact same marketing message to a dozen or more threads, some of which are more than a decade old, it is spam, whether you intended it or not.
Well, it wasn't my intention and I meant no disrespect to the forum. I posted one response to each thread asking for appointment setting help, with a link so they can hear a live set and read what we are about. I honestly wondered as I was posting them if anyone would still be following but I thought it couldn't hurt. My apologies...
Very Schiffty!!! :yes: