

New Member
I am currently a new GA for a brokerage, we offer Assurant and a couple life co. My problem is, I do not feel that I can help all the people I speak with on this one health co. I think they are a strong co, but there are other ones that can help out as well. Is getting appointed with many co. a good move?, as long as you know how to do the elimination before hand. F.Y.I, I have been working with an ins co. UA for the last year and a half.....please don't get me started. I was just being discouraged of this by co workers because they make money off over rides. I am in the Sunshine state, any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Also, a Humana captive rep and friend asked me to be a broker under her. I would receive a 200 kick back for Medicare policies.....any ideas. Thanks for anything.:arghh: