Are additional items needed for this ICEP application?

No she was born after Oct 1. Yeah I'm not sure the reasoning, which is why I figured I'd run it by yall

Advice and opinions are like belly buttons. Everbody has one and none are the same.

You don't need access to MARx. Client can get a copy of their award letter this way.

Log in to your MySSA account and look for a link labeled View Benefit Details under the Benefits and Payments section. Click the link and scroll down to Your Benefit Determination Letter. Click that link and it will open a window with a Benefit Letter. You can save and/or print the letter. Scroll down about 3/4 of the way and will see your Medicare number.

THIS is what you are looking for after logging into your SSA account

Welcome, Your Name!
You last signed in on November 17, 20XX at 3:04 PM ET.

Your Social Security Statement

You can download your statement as a PDF or an XML file.

Your Benefit Verification Letter

This is your proof of income letter.

If you are receiving SSA benefits that information will be on page 1 . . . keep scrolling to page 2 where you will see this . . .

You are entitled to medical insurance under Medicare beginning (month, year) .

Your Medicare number is (11 digits, combination letters and numbers) . You may use this number to get medical services while waiting for your Medicare card.
Advice and opinions are like belly buttons. Everbody has one and none are the same.

You don't need access to MARx. Client can get a copy of their award letter this way.

Log in to your MySSA account and look for a link labeled View Benefit Details under the Benefits and Payments section. Click the link and scroll down to Your Benefit Determination Letter. Click that link and it will open a window with a Benefit Letter. You can save and/or print the letter. Scroll down about 3/4 of the way and will see your Medicare number

THIS is what you are looking for after logging into your SSA account
You are entitled to medical insurance under Medicare beginning (month, year)

Your Medicare number is (11 digits, combination letters and numbers) . You may use this number to get medical services while waiting for your Medicare card.

Perfect! Thank you much Somarco. You da real MVP!

Whoever is telling you these things is not your friend, Vale, and they have no idea what they're talking about.

Yeah I wouldn't consider these people friends at all. Unfortunately most of my friends have no idea what they're talking about half of the time

You definitely do not send in the award letter with the app. Also, do an electronic app. It's *** proof

Will do, thanks Chazm. No idea where people are getting this stuff!
Also, this is an IEP election period, not ICEP. When A&B are the same dates - IEP. When they are different dates - ICEP. You'll need to know that if the e-app that Chazm rightfully recommended asks for the election.
Advice and opinions are like belly buttons. Everbody has one and none are the same.

You don't need access to MARx. Client can get a copy of their award letter this way.

Log in to your MySSA account and look for a link labeled View Benefit Details under the Benefits and Payments section. Click the link and scroll down to Your Benefit Determination Letter. Click that link and it will open a window with a Benefit Letter. You can save and/or print the letter. Scroll down about 3/4 of the way and will see your Medicare number.

THIS is what you are looking for after logging into your SSA account

Welcome, Your Name!
You last signed in on November 17, 20XX at 3:04 PM ET.

Your Social Security Statement

You can download your statement as a PDF or an XML file.

Your Benefit Verification Letter

This is your proof of income letter.

If you are receiving SSA benefits that information will be on page 1 . . . keep scrolling to page 2 where you will see this . . .

You are entitled to medical insurance under Medicare beginning (month, year) .

Your Medicare number is (11 digits, combination letters and numbers) . You may use this number to get medical services while waiting for your Medicare card.

Imagine doing all that when a marx search takes 5 seconds...
Imagine doing all that when a marx search takes 5 seconds...

I contacted my upline at Aetna to see if I can get access to marx, if not this a workaround at least.

Also, this is an IEP election period, not ICEP. When A&B are the same dates - IEP. When they are different dates - ICEP. You'll need to know that if the e-app that Chazm rightfully recommended asks for the election.

AH, right. I still get those confused...but the dates trick will make it much easier to remember. Thank you!