Ask Why They Have Not Taken Care of this


100+ Post Club
Does anyone ask the prospect:
what has prevented them from taking care of this before?
Who do you think should be responsible for paying for the funeral?
Does anyone ask the prospect:
what has prevented them from taking care of this before?
Who do you think should be responsible for paying for the funeral?

I ask some clients the 2nd question, but word it differently... Why?

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I don't find that to be true. I do find it to be true that marketers say that crap.

I agree/disagree....

I dont think thats^^^ the line u need to keep quiet at, BUT I do believe in it! It worked in the mort industry & it works in FE...cept I use it when I give them their 3 choices! If u speak before they do, u usually kill the deal or they choose a smaller least thats my exp!
"If she's ending up owing you as much as she does while you're alive, what makes you think she's FINALLY gonna own up... AFTER you're dead and gone?"


Since I know the lady fairly well, I just looked at her (and probably shook my head).. As they say, you can't fix stupid and you can't expect people to take responsibility for their final expenses when they haven't taken responsibility for their lives. :no:
Thanks for the responses, I do not think I am strong enough uncovering the responsibility part early in the conversation, need to dig deeper on the "why" and what happens if you drop dead today question, no responsibility - no sale, i need a "stupid buzzer",tells me when I am wasting my time