Attacking the Root of the Problem

Martha Coakley hits hospital rates -

Analogy; it's not about going after the auto carriers, it's about going after the repair shops charging $5,000 for a dented bumper.

It's about bringing everything into a public utilities model at the federal level and at the state level where the state is pink. It's a transition from saying what the state reimbursement rats will be to saying what the reimbursement will be from any source.

Thus, the New England Journal of Medicine reports that 49% of physicians plan to leave medicine (so they say, there is always saber rattling) if Obamacare passes, whatever Obamacare is this week.
49% of physicians are full of c**p. What are they going to do, quit and sell insurance?

No, the older ones will keep on. The younger ones will work in the government clinics. The government will fund more and more medical education expenses in the name of creating more doctors and then forgive more of the loans based on public service. In reality they will have created a whole new class (already well under way) of indentured workers who cannot realistically set up their own practices anyway so they will "choose" public service or practicing in areas that the government has designated as part of the overall plan.

Change you can believe in.
I think I would become a cosmetic specialist. Boob jobs aren't covered in the gov healthplan.
I think I would become a cosmetic specialist. Boob jobs aren't covered in the gov healthplan.

We don't know yet. Pelosi is still amending the plan to get votes. There are parts of California where there is only one cosmetic surgeon for every 100 people. Can't have that.
How can a country within 50 years go from defending the world from the evils of Communism to now micro regulating industries?

That woosh you're hearing are the jobs and standard of living our country once knew going out the door
Boy you got that right throttle.

In 20 years, it'll be a banana republic - complete with nearly worthless, inflated currency.

The state that Greece is in right now is an excellent model of the efficiencies of socialism...

True, but the expats of Greece are apparently helping out their "home country". Funny, methinks that won't happen here....
We had inflation in the 80's and I expect we'll have a lot in our near future as well, except this time, the world is a different place. Our businesses won't be able to just raise their prices and adjust wages on the next go around, that pain will be felt every time someone goes to the grocery store or to fill up at the pump. If you think times are tough now, wait until you see where we are headed.