auto claim question, car stolen, title transferred, ins co. wont pay

I'm exhausted reading that block of text with much rant and no paragraphs. Finally found your question.

Can my insurance company continue to deny payment until I have a proper police report in hand


Your policy is a contract you agreed to when you bought the policy. One of your contractual duties in the event of a vehicle theft is to "make a prompt report to the police."

You can do it online. You get a temporary report number and a copy of the report. That should satisfy your insurance company.

I did report it. Twice. In person at two different police stations. They refused to put it to paper. Within 2 hours of the theft a transfer was initiated. I was told that a transfer of title "was in the beginning stages" and I needed to "go to the DMV for an explanation and resolve". That proved to be untrue.
Silly me, I thought my insurance company might provide some
advice or maybe even pay the claim. Why would they? You are right: No report, No $. I am a fool for asking. But figured I should ask before I throw in the towel. My sanity is worth more than the 25,000 I am loosing. Not that I can afford it. Thankyou all for your responses.
Oh yes.. In keeping with your websites request for optimism let me say I am looking forward to the healthful benefits I will now enjoy: Walking!
with paragraphs, James Bondini
Exactly! (What I asked as I waved the UNSIGNED Certificate of Title (pink slip) in the face of the manager of my local DMV)
"Welcome to the NEW DMV" !
I believe the California DMV website boasts. You will have to find it yourself, I am sorry but it sickens me to read what I now know so well. Basically our newest DMV director has traded the sanctity of the Certificate of Title for faster, easier, fraudulent friendly , PAPERLESS transfers. If an illegal one sneaks by them, they put 100% of the burden on the victim.
No, I did not leave the title in my car.
It is safely locked away, as always.
thankyou for your response,
J. Bondini