Auto Insurance Advice Needed.. *HELP*

Goto a non brand named insurance office, All the big name companies want clients that AREN'T 21 years old, and price accordinly

I would advise goto a retail insurance office(the kind that post stuff like "$40 per month" and have lots of flags and stuff in the parking lot)

They normally specialize in your type of risk
I will personally respond to each and every one of you today, I didn't expect so many people to respond which is nice. Sorry I can't do it now.
Give me a few hours as I have errands to run.

Thanks for all the feed back.
Agreed with rudy323 - find an insurance broker, independent agent etc... who carries a handful of brands of insurance. They probably have a quoting engine on their desktop and can search a variety of rates for you. You've done some research and with a few more calls, you're probably done. I wouldn't recommend filling out auto quote forms over the internet though-- just meet with some agents face to face that are local.