- 948
This in from ACA Express: Simply processing a new enrollment for the consumer is not enough to kick anything out. There have been some companies claiming such action will work but when dealing with CMS we've learned that isn't the case. All enrollments are independent of themselves. If the consumer does not want the "auto-enrolled" plan then you or the consumer must make sure that it is terminated. Otherwise, what you've seen will likely happen. There will be confusion because the consumer will get information for more than one plan in the email. The "marketplace access" feature is great for cases like this where you need to terminate coverage. This is a FREAKING MESS.....now I'm not sure if anything processed correctly..
In the cases I described I did terminate the 2015 coverage--one by one--so that apparently isn't enough in some cases. In the case of the Coventry client situation, after they received the 215 termination, the "accidentally" terminated the new 2016 enrollment. Not sure how I can possibly protect my client when nothing is consistent and all are unknowns until you resolve them case by case . . . Depressing!
PS --I had also deleted the auto renew for 2016 where possible . . . Nothing seems to guarantee anything will work properly.In the cases I described I did terminate the 2015 coverage--one by one--so that apparently isn't enough in some cases. In the case of the Coventry client situation, after they received the 215 termination, the "accidentally" terminated the new 2016 enrollment. Not sure how I can possibly protect my client when nothing is consistent and all are unknowns until you resolve them case by case . . . Depressing!