Aviva USA Life Business Sold

I knew this was coming. I wonder how this will effect current IUL holders at Aviva? I know the death benefit will be paid if there is sufficient cash in the policy but what about the growth of these policies now due to all the uncertainty of being sold.
"Global Atlantic". Hmm. Now there's a company you can set your watch to.

Sounds like a fictitious name they might have used in an old Remington Steele episode.
"Global Atlantic". Hmm. Now there's a company you can set your watch to.

Sounds like a fictitious name they might have used in an old Remington Steele episode.

I wonder if they are in the import/export business?
Goldman just spun off the Global Atlantic Subsidiary the Morning of May 1 and later that day Global announced the purchase.

Me thinks there was some insider stuff going on there.....Not that Mr. Leon Black from Apollo Equity/Athene knew anything? (remember Mr Black was head of mergers and acquisitions at Drexel Burnham Lambert in the '80s). For you none history buffs, you may know the name Michael Milken.......