It looks like a George Foreman Grill on steroids with extra attachments.

I've noticed the indoor grills have come a long way in the past decade. I've going to update my steak and chops grill too. We'll see how close it comes to the outdoor.
I've noticed the indoor grills have come a long way in the past decade. I've going to update my steak and chops grill too. We'll see how close it comes to the outdoor.

Hard to get the smoke flavor down pat. I run a gas grill with a smoke box with wood chips and some times I even put briquettes in it. For Easter grilled and cooked veggies in a glass bowl with the meat in the grill... my wife sung my praises on how good it tasted. :rolleyes:
Homemade sour kraut... cutie has been working on this for sometime and now we are able to eat some. Good gut food.

Also just a note to all the desk jockeys out there during this shut down, need to be careful your getting enough clear liquids... and that doesn't included coffee, tea or pop. I wasn't paying attention to that and it caught up to me today... BP spiked and I had a head ache for the whole block. :cry:

I'll be glad to get back to some normalcy here soon. :yes:
Found this on web... you know I'm ADD.

In the oven now, about 50 mins to go. Ask me an I'll let you know it was.


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