Bay Area music or comedy recommendations

Going to a 100th birthday party next Saturday in Oakland near the Airport. Not sure if I'm staying near there or checking out Jack London. Been a long time since going there. Any suggestions for music or comedy venues?

Sunday and maybe Monday I plan to go into the City. Same, and recommendations?

I understand it can get sketchy, that doesn't really bother me.

Or just a cool bar.

Happy Birthday
What did you end up getting into, Wino?

Had to bow out from the party. Started having some flu symptoms and didn't want to chance an issue with the birthday boy (age 100), so no joy.

I am probably going to take the suggestions and do a couple of dayscin the City soon. Just need to find a music venue and a comedy act I want to see.

Years ago I have stayed at some older hotels in the Union Square area. A block or two away. I enjoyed walking to coffee in the morning and drinks in the evening. But it's been a while.
Going to a 100th birthday party next Saturday in Oakland near the Airport. Not sure if I'm staying near there or checking out Jack London. Been a long time since going there. Any suggestions for music or comedy venues?

Sunday and maybe Monday I plan to go into the City. Same, and recommendations?

I understand it can get sketchy, that doesn't really bother me.

Or just a cool bar.


I know the topic with this thread has already come and gone, but since music was brought up, did you see Chris Robinson (The Black Crowes), his brother and Slash perform Led Zeppelin's Going to California at the benefit concert? If you're a fan of either of these bands, this was so good. Awesome vocals and guitar play.

I know the topic with this thread has already come and gone, but since music was brought up, did you see Chris Robinson (The Black Crowes), his brother and Slash perform Led Zeppelin's Going to California at the benefit concert? If you're a fan of either of these bands, this was so good. Awesome vocals and guitar play.

I hadn't. But will watch the concert now. Great vocals and fit great with the acoustics.