Benchmarks and Guiding Principles Coming Up

Fixed that for you.:1biggrin:


Cherry or grape flavored, Al?

Hey - is that what they serve you after you get your H1N1 shot???

Al -

You've been watching the wrong game. The libs have had the ball the entire first half, they brought their own referee's, scorekeepers, and enforcers.

Even with this very unfair advantage, they have dropped the passes, failed in the run, been blitzed, rushed, slowed down, and basically have had the score keepers arguing about which column things go in, rather than keeping their eye on the ball.

Here's the thing.....

Second half is coming up starting next week. Due to the rules, the libs get to keep the ball the entire second half as well (yes, elections have consequences). Because the rules of the first half didn't work (coach couldn't decide what counted as a score), the libs are coming out with new rules.

That is politics at its finest. I may not like it, but I don't particularly object to that, it is the way politics works.

Now, we'll see what the new rules are. Do they come closer to meeting with the publics view? Or are they what the politicians say the publics view is?

The big thing for me is, will there be intellectual honesty from this point forward? Let's look at a few points...

Have health insurance companies EVER denied someone access to healthcare? The answer: NO, NEVER. Hmm, different than I hear on TV. I know, right now, you are screaming how foolish of me into the monitor. Thing is, they may have denied they would pay for it, but that doesn't deny access. Obama has said he will do the same thing, deny paying for anything "that doesn't make you healthier". Now, it's okay for him to do it, while in the same breath complain about health insurance companies doing it.

Second piece of intellectual honesty....

Health insurance premiums are high. Hey, the cost of health care is high. You can't fix the premiums without fixing the cost of healthcare. Where is that plan in detail?

The third piece of intellectual honesty....
How does this get paid for? I'm assuming that even if something passes, I still have to pay my health insurance premiums. Hmmm, this isn't actually ever mentioned. A lot of supporters seem to present the concept that the new plan will be paid for by somebody else.

If there is a public option, what exactly will it cover? How much is my deductible? What is my copay? Does it make my life better? Show me!

And you would do well to actually read up on LBJ and realize LBJ doesn't work today. Or as they say in your beloved rural south, "That dog don't hunt."

LBJ was easily the biggest criminal in US presidential history. Even ACORN doesn't do election fraud one tenth as well as LBJ did it. A slick politician? Yes. Someone who had a small amount of redeeming quality through his policies? Yes. But make no mistake about it, a cold calculating criminal on his best day. Hmmmm, that doesn't sound like another famous liberal who just passed away, does it? The more things change, the more they stay the same. Although lumping LBJ in with a murderer isnt really fair to him I suppose.

Well, there are other aspects of the analogy to LBJ that are interesting as well.

LBJ may have been a hard-nosed wheeler and dealer but he also accomplished some hard core lib goals between Medicare and the War on Poverty etc. Problem is, he dug us deeper and deeper into Vietnam and the libs ended out hating him and it torpedoed his entire legacy.

This is exactly where Obama is headed. By the time we get out of Afghanistan no one is going to be remembering that Obama is the guy who brought us guaranteed issue, believe me. LBJ was out there promoting and accomplishing much for the liberal domestic agenda but the libs were all out on the streets spitting on him. Think about it Barry. More gray hairs to come. Sure LBJ "inherited" Viet Nam from JFK but it stopped being JFK's war at a certain point after he ramped it up. The "inherited" rationale gets you a few months. That's about it.

Of course Barry has this great relationship with the Europeans so he has talked the French into sending another brigade of pastry chefs to Afghanistan. I suppose the Americans do like to have a croissant with their coffee before going out on deployment every day.

Change you can believe in.
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Let me get this straight.

We're going to get a health care plan that is written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, signed by a president that also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's nearly broke.

What could possibly go wrong



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Let me get this straight.

We're going to get a health care plan that is written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, signed by a president that also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's nearly broke.

What could possibly go wrong


Absolutely brilliant!!! Well done! Bravo!