Besides California Fair Plan


New Member
Occasionally i ran into prospects looking for insurance for their house in High Fire Areas. Besides the California Fair plan is there another company in California that will write Home in areas consider high fire risk?
You need to document brush clearance and a bunch of other info but you can place high hazard brush area's with American Modern, American Reliable, Topa, Lexington, Voyager, etc. I usually go through JE Brown or Abram Interstate for those type of risks.
For some reason I am seeing State Farm write policies that no one would touch. I got this high value home in a brush area. I tried like 5-6 carriers, no one would touch it. How the heck is State Farm writing these policies I do not understand.
My guess is someone at State Farm didn't do their job, or an exception was granted due to a high value client. I don't think (though I don't know for sure) that State Farm normally writes inside of brush areas, especially if other carriers wouldn't touch it.

Of course, if you looked at the premium, you would know if it is rated as a brush risk or not.

This was a high risk, the last house on a mountain. The trees start literally accross the street. I got turned down from every carrier, State Farm took it. It was a high value client though, you are correct in that.
You need to document brush clearance and a bunch of other info but you can place high hazard brush area's with American Modern, American Reliable, Topa, Lexington, Voyager, etc. I usually go through JE Brown or Abram Interstate for those type of risks.
Fast Forward Ten Years and almost none of these carriers still offer high risk wildfire insurance:
  • American Modern - just changed
  • American Reliable - Nope
  • Topa = ?
  • Lexington - a Non Admitted Insurer will not take much anymore
  • Voyager - I can not find much information on them
  • Etc- Exactly what is etc now?
Other people have mentioned State Farm, and to my "knowledge" State Farm is taking Owner Occupied Dwellings. in some higher risks - But we will see how long that lasts.

Fascinating to me, looking back now, how much this high risk wildfire risk landscape has changed now in ten years. There are numerous new entrants to this list now, but they are changing so frequently.
I am also interested in an updated status on which of these carriers as well as any new ones that will now cover properties in high risk areas. (It's probably a longshot but at this point, it's worth a try. Thanks.)