Best FE Rates for F Smoker


1000 Post Club
Who has the top 3 best smoker rates for FE, predominitely for Female...? But then I did write a M smkr today too.

Also are there any offsets such as tougher u/w to deal with for the lower rates...?
Using the companies on FEXquotes, Standard Life and Casualty did the best at every age I checked using 10K and 25K face amounts.
Are you joking, Wino?

Commiefornia must be taxing the **** out of cigs, cause there's not a night I come back home from seeing the peeps in the hoodz and woodz of TN that I don't smell like an ash tray....

My companies:

Americo, Monumental, Assurity, RNA, United Heritage. Easiest app, UH in my opinion. Does anyone really run into that many smokers any more?
I was working in Etowah TN a few months back. Saw 4 appts. All 4 were widows, all smoked, and all smoked the SAME BRAND (that cheap Pal Mall $hit). Wrote all 4 Foresters :)
I was working in Etowah TN a few months back. Saw 4 appts. All 4 were widows, all smoked, and all smoked the SAME BRAND (that cheap Pal Mall ). Wrote all 4 Foresters :)

You need to stay out of my hometown.. Going to burn the bridges tomorrow. :yes:
You need to stay out of my hometown.. Going to burn the bridges tomorrow. :yes:
he,he.... very funny. Reardon actually cold called one of my clients a few months back in Athens (the husband had a Med Supp with AARP, and she was T65 and I was writing her AARP as well. They told him I was coming back and Reardon told them to tell me hello! haha)