Best Postcard Company?


100+ Post Club
I am looking to send out about 5,000-10,000 postcards and I am going to use my own list. Anybody have a recommendation of which place offers the best postcards at the lowest price and have good customer service? Thanks inadvance.
I am looking to send out about 5,000-10,000 postcards and I am going to use my own list. Anybody have a recommendation of which place offers the best postcards at the lowest price and have good customer service? Thanks inadvance.

lowest price: USPS

best customer service: not USPS.
I don't know if they are actually the best, but is very good.

You can upload your post card's design and your mailing list and they will do the rest.

I use them a lot.
Do you just mail them yourself then? Is it better to mail them yourself or have the postcard company do it for you? If you do it yourself you obviously know that they are being sent.....
Not to turn this into a USPS thread, but what is the most cost effective way to mail them......first class, or is there some kind of other standard postage rate for postcards?
I've used before. They'll presort your mail and get you bulk prices. They'll print, label, etc. Customer service isn't always the greatest but I've sold alot using their service