For anyone who may want to come hang out and talk shop, we will be in the Nashville, TN. area working there and the Southern Counties of Kentucky for a few days starting Monday.
You don't have to be part of our squad to come hang out. You can possibly ride along with some of the agents that are coming to work leads in the area or just come hang out at the hotel at night. We usually work during the day and go eat & drink after each day. Sometimes have an informal meeting one night and talk insurance strategies and give tips.
Hope to see some of y'all come out and put faces with names. Will be my first and probably last time in that region.
You don't have to be part of our squad to come hang out. You can possibly ride along with some of the agents that are coming to work leads in the area or just come hang out at the hotel at night. We usually work during the day and go eat & drink after each day. Sometimes have an informal meeting one night and talk insurance strategies and give tips.
Hope to see some of y'all come out and put faces with names. Will be my first and probably last time in that region.