Blue Shield Extends NGF to 3/31/14


Super Moderator
Blue Shield CA will extend their non-grandfathered IFP plans to 3/31/14. Agreement was reached today with CA DOI.
I doubt it as the crux of the agreement was that DOI felt Blue Shield did not give members enough notice of termination of plans (90 days instead of 180 days).

As it stands this morning:

Blue Shield NGF IFP terminates 3/31/14

Anthem NGF IFP terminates 12/31/13

Health Net NGF IFP terminates 12/31/13 except plans sold with 10/1/13 or later effective dates which extend to 3/31/14

This applies to PPO plans only registered with CA DOI under the Life & Health divisions of the carriers. HMO and DMHC registered plans terminate 12/31/13.