Book: It No Longer Makes Sense for Employers to Offer Health Insurance

And so is bcbsaz

BCBSAZ is keeping the grandmothered policies, and all of the grandfathered plans except the BluePreferred Original (the no-copay plan).


I have one micro group where the employer is still paying the premium for 3 employees. Money auto-deducted monthly by BCBSIL. Pre-2013 plans. Who's legally responsible for letting this employer know that this practice is now illegal and finable.

1. Employer
2. Accountant
3. Government
4. Other

p.s. BCBSIL is canceling all these Grandmothered transitional plans on 12/31/2015.

It's an Employer issue, for sure. Secondly, it would fall into the Accountant's field. However, as an agent, I would like to educate any client of mine who is falling into that trap, and hope that they stop the practice ASAP.


I don't see group going away. Now with the recent PPO cancellations On exchange we may see more 2 man groups popping up.

Now if the tax status of benefits changes to after tax.............

I agree with that Houcoogster. I am also seeing inside growth in my current groups. Employees who previously waived the group coverage are coming back to some extent.