regional is definately more what i was getting at. I know that as agents we are familiar with alot of companies that the general public has no clue about until you inform them. thanks for the feedback.
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Do most of these carriers offer direct contracting or will i have to partner up with an "FMO" type brokerage like many indys would in L&H?
The ability to get P&C appointments is WAY different than L&H appointments. It is more difficult, more rigid, and a little more intense for production requirements and service.
You can get some direct appointments- I would do so for 2-3 major carriers that you expect to put business with. The rest of the little ones for odds and ends (monoline properties, non-standard homes and autos, etc.) I would do with a cluster like SIAA, Iroquois Group, etc. etc. That is its own research, though.
So yes, you would partner up with a cluster for your own appointments or a BGA to write through them. I would recommend the cluster so you own the business and have binding authority while the BGA writes on your behalf and has to process all the endorsements.