Breaking into the P&C Biz

regional is definately more what i was getting at. I know that as agents we are familiar with alot of companies that the general public has no clue about until you inform them. thanks for the feedback.
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Do most of these carriers offer direct contracting or will i have to partner up with an "FMO" type brokerage like many indys would in L&H?

The ability to get P&C appointments is WAY different than L&H appointments. It is more difficult, more rigid, and a little more intense for production requirements and service.

You can get some direct appointments- I would do so for 2-3 major carriers that you expect to put business with. The rest of the little ones for odds and ends (monoline properties, non-standard homes and autos, etc.) I would do with a cluster like SIAA, Iroquois Group, etc. etc. That is its own research, though.

So yes, you would partner up with a cluster for your own appointments or a BGA to write through them. I would recommend the cluster so you own the business and have binding authority while the BGA writes on your behalf and has to process all the endorsements.
Honestly I would partner up with a seasoned P&C guy ideally to hire into your agency and have him focus on it. No offense but If i up and tried to start a L&H I would probably be facing a lot of E&O exposure due in part to my lack of knowledge in the L&H Segment... I see Personal lines agents screw up commercial accounts all the time... Since you have a L&H id get a guy that has been writting Personal for years tell him to not even worry about commercial and go from there.

I mean we are a commercial lines agency of 20 years and we really only write about 5 or 6 niche areas of business... if you get my drift. Specializing will make your agency more valuable from the clients standpoint. L&H paired with a Personal Lines only agency would be a real money maker... unless you are a Health and Benefits agency then it would only make sense to be a commercial lines agency...
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thanks NCPCLHnoob and scottyj,
great feedback. I will be able to focus my research now on those areas.
I agree that i should get some help from someone familiar with the personal lines market. I have no doubts in my selling skills and my relationships with current clients, but I dont want to make stupid mistakes that screw up those relationships!

Medicare man: I got your message, will reply later today via direct email.

thanks guys
You will find out that you have never heard of any of the companies writing home owners in Florida. They pay anywhere between 10% to 15% and the state run company pays about 7%. You have all the usual suspects for auto; Progressive, Travelers, GMAC, Mercury, etc. They pay 10% to 15% as well. Some companies pay their renewals at a point or two lower.

Even though BDAGENT may have never heard of any of the companies writing homeowners in FL who are they?

Names please. ;)
RonRoberts said:
Even though BDAGENT may have never heard of any of the companies writing homeowners in FL who are they?

Names please. ;)

Florida peninsula
Universal P&C (writes in other states)
American integrity
Sawgrass mutual
Prepared insurance
Security first
Asi/ark royal (writes in other states)

I don't feel like naming like all of them.
Florida peninsula
Universal P&C (writes in other states)
American integrity
Sawgrass mutual
Prepared insurance
Security first
Asi/ark royal (writes in other states)

I don't feel like naming like all of them.


My point was more why answer with "you have never heard of any of the companies" instead of naming a few and answering the OP's post?

But, like, thanks for the names though.
It doesn't take too much internet searching to find Florida carriers. Then conduct your due-diligence by checking their ratings and comments about them.

Start with Florida Office of Insurance Regulation property casualty carriers and other variations, depending on line of business desired.