Buying on Emotions


5000 Post Club
The fact is that no one wants to stop and think about death or dying. They don't want to think about what is going to happen to their families if they don't come home. I for one don't like thinking about not being here for my family. I would rather think that nothing is ever going to happen to me. I like going to bed at night, believe that I will wake up the next day and everything will be okay. I like to think that I will never get have a heart attack, stroke, or get disabled. In order to get me in the right buying mood, you are going to have to get me emotional and thinking about my family.

Let me give you an example. I just bought a French bulldog puppy. The dog cost me $1,500 bucks. I didn't need or want a dog. I can't afford a dog right now at that price. But a friend that sells dogs brought one over to my family and used emotions to sale me this dog. Within 5 mins, my kids were asking me if we could have it and my wife was already falling in love with the dog. I love my wife and kids and would do anything in the world for them. I sold one of my four wheelers and bought the dog. I got emotional and got to thinking about the wife and kids. I loved it when I told them we were getting the dog.

You ask me what this story has to do with buying insurance. It has a lot to do with it.

I'm an avg person. Sometimes you have to make the client get emotional and think about their family, in order to get them to buy life insurance. I would have never bought that dog on my own. We have to get the client to think about something they really don't want to think about. Most of them think it will never happen to them and we have to remind them that it can.

The main reason I bought life insurance, is that I wanted to be able to tell my wife that if I die that her and the kids will be taken care of. I would give up anything in the world for them. I put my life insurance bill on the top of my list because I know it is important to have.

I carry all of my life insurance polices that I bought on myself and my wife with me on all of my life sales. I could spend an hour on why I do this, but trust me, it helps.

I try and make all of my sales personal and share with them some of my life stories. Most of my clients love to share their stories with me. We always talk about their family members and what matters the most to them.

I just wanted to share this random thought I had after buying this dog.

Mark Rosenthal
[email protected]

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I try and make all of my sales personal and share with them some of my life stories. Most of my clients love to share their stories with me. We always talk about their family members and what matters the most to them.

Thanks for sharing.

Sometimes that is the biggest part of my "dog and pony" show. Like you, I prefer to think that I don't sell insurance, I sell me. I figure that if they will "buy" me then selling them insurance should be a piece of cake. haha

I tell prospects about Jacqueline, my wife, and many times will share something interesting about my mother. (Women especially like to hear a guy talk about their wife and mother, especially seniors.)

After they become clients and either I call them or they call me they will usually ask about Jacqueline and my mother. Now that we are raising show goats they usually ask when the next group of kids are due. I e-mail pics of the new crop of kids to those who have computers.

Most of my clients think of me as a "friend" and many times will call just to say hello. I have 15 sweet little ladies who I know don't have anyone and I always call them on Valentine's day to say hi.

Sell yourself and the insurance sale will just kind of happen.
Personalizing yourself is definitely important. I was talking to a big producer recently about newsletters and showing off one I plan to do with a ton of good financial and estate planning information. It was basically in four sections.

He told me to ditch one of the sections and put just personal information and news about my family. He told me that if I do that every month for a year, people will feel they have known me for five years.

I asked him which section I should ditch to add the family and personal news. He said it didn't really matter because people probably did not read that stuff anyway.

After giving this a good bit of thought, I think I agree with him.
The problem with owning any kind of animal is if you are not careful they wind up owning you. My wife's sister and her husband were retired, had money to burn, no close friends, and no hobbies but working. They decided to get a horse. Now they have 13 horses and can't go anywhere because they have to feed and take care of the horses every day. They also have to shovel all of the manure! :goofy::laugh:
The problem with owning any kind of animal is if you are not careful they wind up owning you. My wife's sister and her husband were retired, had money to burn, no close friends, and no hobbies but working. They decided to get a horse. Now they have 13 horses and can't go anywhere because they have to feed and take care of the horses every day. They also have to shovel all of the manure! :goofy::laugh:

No kidding. It cost $140 just to get our little poodle's teeth brushed at the Vet's office last week.

The vet bills for taking care of house pets has increased severely in the last few years. However, if you compare the cost to that of taking care of a horse, its not so bad. Five dogs don't equal one horse.