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Caboom Leads

Ok I have used them for T65 leads, and I am on my 3rd order

I find them to be better then most that I have gotten in recent years, I do have a very high contact rate compared to other leads

I have profited, I have sold 4 MAPD plans on $1700 (corrected it was $850 times 2)
And I will will probably sell a few more this was my 1st 2 orders
I have one really sure is closed cant enroll till sept, and few other decent appointment's for when they are able to enroll

I will say though 3 were from the first order and the 2nd order had lower contact rate

However the downside, is Many of the leads are DSNP, one of my MA plans are DSNP and one is on the verge of DSNP

Also many leads are long way our some as far as a year out,

But honestly most other lead sources have almost no contact rate,

the other downside is I have to order 3 states, I seem to do better with home state but I cannot order just home state
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Ok I have used them for T65 leads, and I am on my 3rd order

I find them to be better then most that I have gotten in recent years, I do have a very high contact rate compared to other leads

I have profited, I have sold 4 MAPD plans on $1700 (corrected it was $850 times 2)
And I will will probably sell a few more this was my 1st 2 orders
I have one really sure is closed cant enroll till sept, and few other decent appointment's for when they are able to enroll

I will say though 3 were from the first order and the 2nd order had lower contact rate

However the downside, is Many of the leads are DSNP, one of my MA plans are DSNP and one is on the verge of DSNP

Also many leads are long way our some as far as a year out,

But honestly most other lead sources have almost no contact rate,

the other downside is I have to order 3 states, I seem to do better with home state but I cannot order just home state
I thought you were using lead hero’s for T-65 ? Unfortunately most digital leads will be lis/dsnp . That’s simply who answers ads . Most middle income ti high income don’t fill out leads
I thought you were using lead hero’s for T-65 ? Unfortunately most digital leads will be lis/dsnp . That’s simply who answers ads . Most middle income ti high income don’t fill out leads

Yes I have the lead heros on a slow drip but like I said I only bought an order at the $17 special I don't use them on a regular basis

it is going even slower than I asked for, Ill have to work on that but right now I don't need the leads I will address that in a few weeks when I do

However I just closed another yesterday from the caboom

They are def all MA, I do speak to a LOT of DSNPs but I have only closed one, and another which will probably get Medicaid

also 2 I have got ACA for the time before they actually get on Medicare, one I have signed for the Medicare with Sept effective and another I did not count as closed but will in sept as he is a dec effective

and I have another in the pipeline for next month that I don't see at all not closing that is not Medicaid

And others in the pipeline that can go either way

All in all I am going to keep going with these unless I find better till AEP when I cannot take leads anyway

I am profiting well, I just would like a better demographic, for med supp buis

however I will keep using these until I find better to get that med supp buis going they way I want
Yes I have the lead heros on a slow drip but like I said I only bought an order at the $17 special I don't use them on a regular basis

it is going even slower than I asked for, Ill have to work on that but right now I don't need the leads I will address that in a few weeks when I do

However I just closed another yesterday from the caboom

They are def all MA, I do speak to a LOT of DSNPs but I have only closed one, and another which will probably get Medicaid

also 2 I have got ACA for the time before they actually get on Medicare, one I have signed for the Medicare with Sept effective and another I did not count as closed but will in sept as he is a dec effective

and I have another in the pipeline for next month that I don't see at all not closing that is not Medicaid

And others in the pipeline that can go either way

All in all I am going to keep going with these unless I find better till AEP when I cannot take leads anyway

I am profiting well, I just would like a better demographic, for med supp buis

however I will keep using these until I find better to get that med supp buis going they way I want
Please track your results over 6-12 months . Don’t forget these are lower income mapd being SOLD OVER THE PHONE . They filled out a lead on line and possibly filled out many leads .Even face to face were I built loyalty I’ve had t-65’s being flipped on me before the effective date . Selling mapd in multiple states much harder as so many plans in every county . It’s impossible for a phone rep to know all the plans like a local agent thus I’m able to flip a ton of mapd plans that aren’t the correct ones . Many of these leads that 5 plus years ago could have been med sups will now be mostly all be mapd . Im interested to your 12 month persistency .
Please track your results over 6-12 months . Don’t forget these are lower income mapd being SOLD OVER THE PHONE . They filled out a lead on line and possibly filled out many leads .Even face to face were I built loyalty I’ve had t-65’s being flipped on me before the effective date . Selling mapd in multiple states much harder as so many plans in every county . It’s impossible for a phone rep to know all the plans like a local agent thus I’m able to flip a ton of mapd plans that aren’t the correct ones . Many of these leads that 5 plus years ago could have been med sups will now be mostly all be mapd . Im interested to your 12 month persistency .

Dude I have done this since 2011 on my own, I have done it on internet leads

The leads are not of the same quality but the connection is the same

I have some DSNPS, not many but I don't target them, I have plenty of MA clients and some of lower income

I don't lose them, just because I sold them over the phone, why would you think such a thing

In fact many of my clients have used a ""local" Guy who now has no time for them when they call

Your not making any sense

And besides that these are T65 if I kept a 3rd of them, I am still profiting on new buis kind of well,

and moreover this is temporary will I find a better option I have a lot of hooks in the water
Dude I have done this since 2011 on my own, I have done it on internet leads

The leads are not of the same quality but the connection is the same

I have some DSNPS, not many but I don't target them, I have plenty of MA clients and some of lower income

I don't lose them, just because I sold them over the phone, why would you think such a thing

In fact many of my clients have used a ""local" Guy who now has no time for them when they call

Your not making any sense

And besides that these are T65 if I kept a 3rd of them, I am still profiting on new buis kind of well,

and moreover this is temporary will I find a better option I have a lot of hooks in the water
Vic leads now a days are much much different than 5 yrs ago . You sold all med sups then . You’ve entered the Wild West of mapd with leads here . Frankly I eat any policy sold on the phone for breakfast and so do most face to face agents . These are mostly lower income people that crave attention and face to face interaction . But again please keep your 12 month persistency .Hopefully you’ll do well with these with many touch pts .A guy I know who recruits has a telesales agent he brought on into aep last yr . He wrote 147 and only 48 went active Jan 1. You keep mentioning not many dsnps . That matters little if their regular people . Other phone reps will use year round sep’s like dst , spap and mov to flip them . You want to know how dirty phone reps are . Wrote a clients wife who retired a t-65 in April for a 7-1 effective date . On June 20 th he knocked my app out writing another app and then turned around and rewrote my app ti become the aor . You can’t rewrite the same app that was wrote before the effective date and assume the aor . My fmo and regional are fighting to get me the aor back right now
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