California this week further expanded free health coverage to include all undocumented immigrants.

The original Unions seemed much more about workers than political power.


Very few worker rights . . . long hours, no overtime . . . no child labor laws or worker safety rules. Anyone could be fired at will (not to be confused with RTW states now). No pension, no health insurance.

By the 1950's or so they really outlived their usefulness because of labor laws. Also some bad apples (Hoffa), stealing from the pension fund, etc. prevalent in the 60's and later.

This article about Gompers and the AFL is revealing.
I respect the courage, strength and fortitude of men and women trekking cross country in difficult and dangerous land to come to America.

How about the folks from China, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Russia, etc?
How about the folks from China, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Russia, etc?
That piece is two years old. The data may be older. I would imagine the data has shifted some.

Regardless, I didn't mention a nationality. I feel the majority of immigrants are coming here to stay. To become Americans. We should figure out a trade deal. Give us one hungry hard working Mohammed, Dang, Juan or Igor and we will send them two if our home grown boomerangs. If they serve in our armed forces, we will add 5 liberal arts majors and 6 justice warriors.
I disagree, unless it's infantry or are otherwise wounded in combat. Most people in the military aren't "risking their lives" any more than the average American who commutes to work daily. There are also plenty of people in the military who hate America.

We disagree.

Risking ones life is only one part of service. Are there people in the military that hate America? Probably, however, I would bet the percentage is tiny compared to the general population. I am not arguing your experience in the military. Mine has been different.

If a vetted immigrant serves our country he is more American than I to that point. He chose to become American, I was just lucky.
I agree, it should be instant citizenship.. I am glad we agree on something.

And I am definitely not virtue signaling, I was responding to someone telling me to open my door to an undocumented person, which I have in the past and would again in the future.
You opened it for a price. The doors to the US are open for a price. The price is obedience to the immigration laws.
Kevin Diaz, believe you may be missing an important point. You stated a belief that anyone who wants to become an American citizen should be allowed. No filters whatsoever? That is crazy.

His mission is all race-related. He thinks people don't want illegal immigrants because (and I quote) "sOmE oF yOu JuSt HatE tHe FaCt ThaT ThEy ArE BroWn."

Dude, I'm sure there's 15 KKK members in the backwoods of West Virginia that feel this way, but for the VAAAAAAAAAST MAJORITY of us, it has to do with money, resources, clogging up services that we use every day, and the potential for WAY more crime.

I'm White but I have Hispanics and Arabs in my extended family. They too.....also against ILLEGAL immigrants. MANY brown people are against ILLEGAL immigrants.

Why? Because it's ***ing INSANE to allow this to go on. I don't give a flying f*ck if these people are coming from Poland, Venezuela, Namibia, Sweden, or Saudi Arabia.

These people all need to go the f*ck back home and do things the right way. America is not a dumping ground or world savior.
What is makes the military any different from any other government job? The implied willingness to die for your country. But that's not what noncitizens sign up to do. They aren't in jobs that would ever require that sacrifice. It's a job with healthcare benefits and a pension.

So, sure if they are actually risking their life. Most jobs in the military don't require risking one's life. Being a store clerk on an aircraft carrier isn't "risking one's life". I'd venture 97% of noncitizens serve in jobs that are no more dangerous than working on a construction site, at the most hazardous.

If you see actual combat or are otherwise wounded in action then sure. But don't pretend that working personnel in Perth Australia is anywhere close to being in a combat role.

That is not how veteran benefits work.

I know vets w/green cards that have served in Iraq.

Are you a Vet?
As it happens, I rented a room in my house out about 8 years ago to an undocumented human, he just got back from two tours in Iraq and was working on his citizenship.
It's late and I'm tired from moving 3/4 of the way across the country, but Illegal immigrants can serve in the US armed forces? Or maybe he was one of the in-country translator badasses that made it out alive?