Can anyone tell me who this guy is?


100+ Post Club
I have gotten numerous texts from him, and I get emails from him every week. I don't remember signing up for either. He appears in the Recommended Videos feed on Youtube, though I never subscribed to his channel. Best I can tell, he is some kind of Social Media Influencer who targets the licensed insurance agent community. For what purpose, I don't know. In the video of his that I had a peek at, there was a lot of cheering and raising arms in the air. If not for "something, something, INSURANCE", I would've guessed I was watching the live stream for some Charismatic Christian megachurch service. The dude seems to be everywhere, like the ShamWow guy used to be, only I knew right away ShamWow guy was trying to sell me a towel.
I have gotten numerous texts from him, and I get emails from him every week. I don't remember signing up for either. He appears in the Recommended Videos feed on Youtube, though I never subscribed to his channel. Best I can tell, he is some kind of Social Media Influencer who targets the licensed insurance agent community. For what purpose, I don't know. In the video of his that I had a peek at, there was a lot of cheering and raising arms in the air. If not for "something, something, INSURANCE", I would've guessed I was watching the live stream for some Charismatic Christian megachurch service. The dude seems to be everywhere, like the ShamWow guy used to be, only I knew right away ShamWow guy was trying to sell me a towel.
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Seems like a real fart smeller .. i mean smart feller.
I think that's Cody Askins. He's an internet lead vendor. And puts on a big Medicare Meeting every year. I have no idea if he's good or not. But I think he's successful at self promotion.
Yes that's Cody askins . It's not a Medicare meeting . It's called 8% nation . He's trying to be another Grant Cardone in motivational type speaking . People say his leads are atrocious . Bit most of his money comes from selling stuff like leads and systems and not insurance overrides . He's done well self promoting . He has 3-4 insurance podcasts a week with agents and agency owners