Can I give away a $15 dinner cert?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I will not be advertising any MA's or PDP's at a Health fair, only Medicare Supplements. Can I do a drawing for one $15 dinner certificate? My booth will be set up with forms that ask for name, address, phone # and permission to contact for info regarding Med supps. This form will be used to draw for the winner. I know that I cannot give away anything greater than $15 in value.
You can give them a $15 dinner, you can drive them to RuthChris and but them a $100 steak! The rules you are speaking about is for Med Advantage not med supps!
no problem.... I don't plan on doing any part C plans. Soon the companies are going to do away with agents anyway, why help them get their feet planted firm?
no problem.... I don't plan on doing any part C plans. Soon the companies are going to do away with agents anyway, why help them get their feet planted firm?

I'd doubt that. Yea, we have a love/hate relationship, but in today's market it would be near impossible to reach, explain, enroll, and retain members without us. Look at what AARP did. They didn't run from agents, but turn to them. It's hard to service clients just by talking over the phone and dropping stuff in the mail.

Seniors, more than any other market, like having the feeling they are taken care of and have a "go to" guy/gal.
I've been working for an insurance company in Florida for 15 years selling a Medicaid plan (not Medicare) and the state told all the insurance companies that they could no longer have insurance agents signing up people any longer as of the end of this year. There were 5 insurance companies selling Medicaid plans and three of them within a week of the notice let all their agents statewide go instead of waiting until the end of the year. I was told the insuance plans were asked before the state sent out this dictate how they felt about the idea of getting rid of the agents and the majority of them were fine with it, so the state proceeded. Whether that part is true or not, I don't know. But, regardless the state has said that no Medicaid insurance plan can have insurance agents going into 2009. Many agents felt "in today's market it would be near impossible to reach, explain, enroll, and retain members without us" but the state did not think so, nor did the plans who went ahead and let all their agents go before they even had to. When the plans had to keep agents to be competive and not lose market share with other plans they kept us, but as soon having us as a "necessary evil" was no longer required they jumped at the first chance to get rid of all their agents. Medicaid insurance agents basically served in the same capacity as Medicare insurance agents do for their clients and if the companies did not have to keep agents to be competitive and had a way out like the Medicaid plans in Florida had a way out of not having to have agents anymore, I think the Medicare companies also would jump at the chance to get rid of agents as well. Many of the same companies involved in Medicaid in Florida are the same companies also involved in Medicare like WellCare, United Health Care, etc. The same way they were willing to discard their Medicaid agents at the drop of a hat would be the same way they would be willing to discard of their Medicare agents.
I don't think it's legal to do so. But hey if you do it and get away with it don't you think it's dumb to do it when everyone else won't because it's illegal meaning your giving something you don't need to give away to get the biz.:D
Reply to TB Rep>>>>>We are all replaceable. Teachers feel threatened with computer interactive teaching. Lawyers hate DYI wills, quit deeds, etc that adds to bottom line. RE agents hate online competition....and on it goes. Hit the ground running and do the best you can.