Can It Be Repealed?

Snowe & Collins
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They voted to move it forward in committee even though they abstained during the reconciliation move. Had they not delivered "yes" votes the first time we most likely would not have this mess now.
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Snowe & Collins
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They voted to move it forward in committee even though they abstained during the reconciliation move. Had they not delivered "yes" votes the first time we most likely would not have this mess now.

I see. Well they voted nay in the reconciliation vote.

And you and others continue to say that republicans willingness to participate in floor debate on reforms is the problem. Others, myself included, argued that ultimately the dems would use that refusal to even discuss it as a basis to ram it through reconciliation with public support. How did that work out.

The repubs will be in power in the house before long. Might be time to start discussing something, sometime otherwise Hillary will be using the same republican party of no argument come 2012. Snowe and Collings voted to move it forward for debate and after debate they voted against it. This is contrarty to the idiotic republican strategy which is to try to execute anyone who goes near the issue. That's what got Obamacare passed. Not snowe and collins voting against it.
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