Can some one aware me on Primerica

I still say that's BS. Saying it was ALW, another company, this or that, is nothing more than typical scapegoat cop-outs. It was industry action and reaction to desire, economics, and so much more...But like I always say...Opinions vary.
You can call it bull shit all you want. I was there and I saw it happen. You said in your previous post that you started in the mid 80's. Here what was going on before you got here:

On February 10, 1977, A.L. Williams entered the marketplace with a mere 85 agents. Over the next 13 years, the "peanut" company grew into an industry phenomenon - a licensed sales force of 225,000 agents, $300 billion in cumulative sales, thousands of offices across the United States and Canada.

Anything else you want to pontificate about?
You can call it bull shit all you want. I was there and I saw it happen. You said in your previous post that you started in the mid 80's. Here what was going on before you got here:

On February 10, 1977, A.L. Williams entered the marketplace with a mere 85 agents. Over the next 13 years, the "peanut" company grew into an industry phenomenon - a licensed sales force of 225,000 agents, $300 billion in cumulative sales, thousands of offices across the United States and Canada.

Anything else you want to pontificate about?

That may be all factual -- but it is NOT what caused the invention of UL. A knowledge of history doesn't always equal an understanding of it. No, I'll leave the pontification of history to you.
Great. Now average it out over the last 10 years. And while you're at it, compare the count of policies dropping off the books against the number of people leaving.

Do you think those #'s do in fact play out over 10 years? Forget about the number of agents, that's irrelevant. However, do you think about 300,000 policies per year are sold by Primerica, and that would be consistent over the 10 years? On the other hand, 360,000 new agents and 291,000 policies sold? Interesting numbers. LOL.
And they've already threatened him with legal action......twice

It's amazing MLMs can thrive in today's modern world, despite the plethora of information readily available. I'm glad people like him are taking a hard stance against them.