Can You Make a Good Living Just Selling Life ?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
If all you want to sell is life insurance, is it possible to make a living off of it, or do you really need to offer all lines ?

We have many agents who only sell life and make a great living doing just that. I believe you can take anyone product line, do it right, and no matter what that line is make a good living at it.

But it never hurts to have other types of policies also, just market for life and while selling the life you will run into clients who have other needs too, might as well have something to offer them.
While you certainly can make a living selling any single line exclusively - you run the risk of losing your book over time to multi line brokers that "move in" with P&C or Health for example and then x-sell.

So simple answer, yes - but I'd close the door on the other coverages by either selling them yourself or by partnering with other agents that each sell P&C, Health, Disability etc exclusively and use it as way to protect each other's books and to pool leads.

Depends on how seasoned the agent is.

If new - they should focus on one line until they get good at it.

If an old fart - they can sell pink elephants if they have access to people looking to buy pink elephants.

You definitely want to specialize in one line. You can make a good living if you handle business the right way. There are agents that only sell life that do very well. At the same time there are agents that offer everything and sell nothing. The main thing is to polish your sales presentation and marketing strategy. Those are the skill sets that make you money. Once you have a good steady system really learn the new lines you want to incorporate and add the gradually. You don't want to be an expert life agent and a *** health agent rambling things they heard on the news walking out the door.