Cancellation Letter Template?

We usually write a letter as well, as the broker we feel we should be included in it and to send them a personalized letter advising of the status incase they indicate they didn't receive the letter from the insurance company we're covered.
We usually write a letter as well, as the broker we feel we should be included in it and to send them a personalized letter advising of the status incase they indicate they didn't receive the letter from the insurance company we're covered.

I'm a little confused, why do you have an obligation to inform the client? Are you truly a broker?

The company is going to inform the client and for you to do so as well just invites liability on yourself that you don't currently have.
I'm a little confused, why do you have an obligation to inform the client? Are you truly a broker?

The company is going to inform the client and for you to do so as well just invites liability on yourself that you don't currently have.

I'm a beginner, but this sounds about right.