Captive agent


New Member
Hello all. When I first got interested in the insurance business I went to a seminar hosted by an insurance company. They had us sign some papers. They said that they were the terms IF I chose to work for them. I requested copies, but no replies from them?? i research the company and don’t like what I’ve been finding. Question, a company can’t force you to work for them can they?
They can't force you to work with them, but they could have already appointed you. And with a lot of companies once you're appointed you have to wait six months before you transfer that appointment to another agency.

We can help you a lot more if you tell us the company.
I was going to go with NAA but have not signed anything so I'm clear. I have e-mails from the "Manager" that says that NAA agents are NOT captive. I'm going independent
I was going to go with NAA but have not signed anything so I'm clear. I have e-mails from the "Manager" that says that NAA agents are NOT captive. I'm going independent

I've said to friends who have tried to get me into NAA that I would sooner leave the insurance business altogether before I would even consider such a career path.

Good call on avoiding that whole mess. NAA and the like are good for no one.

Going indy means a lot, however. A lot of work! I did it this past summer and couldn't be happier, but it's not without its downsides. Mostly positive, however. Even though I've been self-employed for essentially all of my adult life (now at 41 yo), working from home requires a LOT of discipline. It's easy to get distracted and procrastinate...!

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