Captive Agent Question


New Member
Does anybody know if you are working for USHealth Advisors as a captive agent, are you allowed to sell a Pre-Need product as well that is not a product that they offer?
Hi. New here, and reading so many questions & post. I can tell you that I used to be a "captive" agent for 6 years at a company that was bought by (you guess it?)....Integrity Marketing Group, LLC. Anyways, I read your post and 2 things came to mind? Pre-need which is bought from an specific funeral home, as opposed to Final Expense, which is bought from an insurance co. would be the difference? "Captive" means you can only sell insurance products that the company that employs you and pay your salary. So there's no conflict technically, but as an "captive" agent, it has always been my experience that those calls are recorded and go (selectively) thru Quality Assurance (QA) where monitors you're entire call and they grade it? If I were to start speaking to a prospective client or current member about some other product that your employers doesn't sell, it will be brought to your attention. We also cannot just call the prospect or member on the phone afterwards on you own time, even if you get permission? Hope it was useful?


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