Captive Climate in PA


New Member
It's been really tough selling Allstate products in the last 6-12 months. Huge home increases and a revamping of Auto underwriting has made it difficult to beat the prices out there today. I know it's all ebbs and flows and and at some point our sales will pick up again. My question is geared towards other Pennsylvania Captive agents/producers from the other companies. State Farm, Nationwide, Farmers, etc.... How are you guys doing right now? I'm interested of the climate in general out there.
My question is geared towards other Pennsylvania Captive agents/producers from the other companies. State Farm, Nationwide, Farmers, etc.... How are you guys doing right now? I'm interested of the climate in general out there.[/quote]

Welcome to the forum..The captive side is all difficult right now. They want you to find a niche market and work that market. The problem with that is your closing ratio is about 2-10 as captive so the more you spend the more you write.

Farmers, Nation, and state farm all want to take shares from each other. But on a lighter side the climate is nice in CA its summer and the sun is out by the beach!:cool: